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We are preparing for the 2023 tourist season and will publish “All About Sitka,” a year-around guide for visitors, in May. We will publish 37,000 copies and distribute them throughout Sitka. The entire edition will be available online at for one year.


The basic rate is $98.40 per column inch.
(Volume rates are plus city sales tax):
1/4 page (2 columns by 6 inches) $1,062.70
1/2 page (4 columns by 6 inches) $2,007.35
Full page (4 columns by 12 inches) $3,778.50

Full Color: $275.00
One Color: 150.00
Two Color: $175.00
Three Color: $250.00 ​


It’s easy to advertise. Just call 747-3219, drop by 112 Barracks Street, fax us at 747-8898, e-mail ad copy in the message box to If you choose to e-mail us your camera-ready ad, it must be in pdf format and e-mailed to


No contract is necessary and no payment is due until June 2023.



© 2022 The Daily Sitka Sentinel​

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